
This school year (Fall 2020-Spring 2021), I found myself on the Executive Board of an organization at Virginia Commonwealth University called Blank at VCU as the Secretary. Our mission at Blank is to celebrate the creative culture at VCU by connecting with each other and sharing our individual passions. As I mentioned on my About Me page, I believe that creativity lies in all of us. Shining light on the creative endeavors of my friends, peers, and fellow Blank members is something that I care strongly about. A personal goal of mine is to encourage creativity into the lives of anybody that I come across. My position as Secretary has allowed me to do that. One way in the organization that we do this is by having biweekly meetings (virtually) where we do an activity together. Some activities that we have done were write a poem, photoshop what a “Blank” bedroom looks like, do art/drawing activities, and share our creative processes with each other. This opportunity has inspired me to further push this creative inspiration onto others.

